Fin du traitement à la Créosote

Le 30 avril, le bois traité à la créosote a été définitivement rayé de la carte en Europe.

Heureusement, DURA²® offre une alternative sûre, fiable et durable pour reprendre le flambeau.
Grâce à son caractère écologique et sûr, DURA² répond à la demande du marché et aux valeurs de la société actuelle. De plus, sa garantie de 25 ans offre la certitude que le bois traité avec DURA² a également une longue durée de vie.

Fortunately, we have THE alternative for Creosote: DURA²

Since the ban on Creosote-treated posts in France in 2019, a large proportion of fencing contractors have switched to DURA². Through this adoption in France, the word has spread that there is an alternative that matches the look and performance of Creosote treated posts but has an enhanced environmental profile. As well as France, DURA² posts are widely specified in the Netherlands and Belgium too. After all, DURA² offers you all the advantages of creosote treatment but without the disadvantages: a beautiful, durable and dependable solution for all your applications for which long life is desired.

In a beautiful dark brown color that matches the colour of Creosote. DURA² posts and fences can be effortlessly placed alongside older creosoted ones. DURA² will also age naturally.

No odor like Creosote, and uses Tanalith® E wood preservative that has BPR authorization, meaning that it has passed all relevant environmental, human health and animal health risk assessments.

Moreover, DURA² has an elegant appearance thanks to the quality label adorning your posts and boards.

DURA², an excellent alternative to creosoted posts, but also to concrete in times when increasingly extreme weather conditions play a role. Thanks to the elasticity in our wooden posts, they are less likely to break than concrete in heavy storms.

In addition, DURA² also does its bit for the environment: thanks to its longer lifespan, it needs to be renewed less often and locks up CO2 for longer. This too gives DURA² an advantage over concrete that has a high carbon footprint.

Finally, the registered DURA² brand also offers a guarantee of 20 years!*

More info about DURA²

* The full version of warranty conditions is available on request or in case of any concerns regarding this guarantee, please contact your distributor.

20 years

Limiting the use of creosote as a wood preservative


The use of creosote as an active substance in the EU is only allowed as wood preservative for two uses: utility poles for electricity and telecommunications, and for railway sleepers. The European Commission took this decision in October 2022, based on the opinion of ECHA’s Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) on the renewal application for this active substance.

Creosote is a mixture containing hundreds of distinct substances, including bi- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenols and heterocyclic oxygen-, sulphur- and nitrogen-containing substances. Many of the substances in creosote are harmful to our health or the environment.

Under the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation, creosote is classified as a carcinogen in category 1B – meaning that it may cause cancer. It also meets the criteria for being a persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and a very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substance. Due to these concerns, creosote meets the exclusion criteria under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR). It means that its use is not allowed on the EU market without a specific derogation. As there are currently no suitable alternatives available in certain Member States, the Commission granted the renewal for a maximum of seven years for these two specific uses of creosote.

EU countries can decide if they allow creosote-treated wood to be placed on the market for the two derogated uses and may authorise such products accordingly. On 31 January 2023, the Agency published a list of those Member States where creosote-treated railway sleepers and utility poles may still be placed on the market. The information available on this list came directly from the Member States. From 30 April 2023 onwards, placing these railway sleepers and utility poles on the market is only allowed in Member States listed on ECHA’s website.

Creosote and creosote-related substances are also restricted under the REACH Regulation (entry 31 of Annex XVII). In October 2022, France submitted a new restriction proposal to amend this restriction. This new proposal aims to reduce health and environmental risks associated with the reuse and secondary uses of wood treated with creosote. It is considered necessary as the current restriction is interpreted or applied differently across EU Member States, indicating that the existing regulatory management measures may not be sufficient to control the risks. In addition, the existing restriction is not aligned with the new provisions under the BPR. The BPR also does not cover any supplies of the treated wood after the first placing on the market in any Member State.

La parole à nos distributeurs

Je suis passé aux bois DURA² après avoir posé des clôtures traitées à la créosote pendant des années.
  • L’alternative idéale qui n’a que des avantages.
  • Nos poseurs l’adorent, car ce produit n’occasionne pas de brûlures.
  • Les clôtures DURA² sont sans danger pour l’homme et pour l’animal. DURA² se conforme à nos critères de qualité.
  • La couleur marron des clôtures crée une sensation de sérénité dans le paysage.
Pour nous, DURA2 est la solution durable de demain !
BMX Horse Products, Ederveen, Pays-Bas
« Suite à l’arrêt de la créosote, nous avons commercialisé ce produit haut de gamme chez nos principaux clients propriétaire de Haras en Normandie. Plusieurs points nous ont séduits immédiatement :
  • Le produit est beau, il n’est pas dangereux, pas de brulures de la peau et des yeux.
  • La pose même en pleine chaleur est sans risque pour les poseurs.
  • Pour les clients ayant des clôtures en créosote à réparer, le Dura² est idéal car sa couleur est identique et les réparations ne se voient pas.
  • Le stockage de la créosote posait des problèmes et il fallait faire attention à ne pas polluer le sol des lieux de stockage,
  • Depuis 4 années que nos clients posent le Dura² nous avons de très bons retour sur le vieillissement, sur la couleur qui tient bien dans le temps.
Pour toutes ces raisons, nous sommes satisfaits d’avoir arrêté la créosote, cette alternative est idéale.
Quality Bois, Tiberville, France